IREDS institute, within the project “Increasing the social inclusion of children with developmental delays through building the capacities of professionals”, has carried out the first activity with the group of Social Workers, together with the trainer Blerina Thaçi.
In the first part, the program was presented and aspects of migration, trends and implications for citizens were discussed.
Further, the concepts and definition of social protection as well as the social welfare system in Kosovo were discussed, including the challenges of providing the highest quality services to the beneficiaries.
Also, the training had an interactive approach, offering the participants an understanding of the social protection policies and legislative framework in Kosovo.
Furthermore, the experiences of social workers were shared to support different processes in the treatment of target groups, especially in the understanding and use of the referral system, as well as the provision of
a better case management process in supporting the reintegration of target groups, especially in coordination with other relevant actors.
This project is supported by ATRC, within the “Resilient Community Program, funded by USAID and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.