The portfolio of counseling skills relevant for the psychologists working with target groups (children with developmental delay)

The third day of the training on the topic “The portfolio of counseling skills relevant for the psychologists working with target groups (children with developmental delay)”. The guest trainer for this topic was the German professor Olaf Dunse, associate of IREDS. This is how the first group of Psychologists completed their training and were certified.…

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Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Third Edition)

IREDS, on August 28, completed the second day of activities within the project “Increasing the social inclusion of children with developmental delays through building the capacities of professionals”. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Third Edition) was the psychological test that the trainer, PhD. Florim Gallopeni practiced with the beneficiary participants of this project. In addition…

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Increasing the social inclusion of children with developmental delays through building the capacities of professionals

The IREDS Institute, within the project “Increasing the social inclusion of children with developmental delays through building the capacities of professionals”, today carried out the first activity with the group of young psychologists, together with coach Bujar Gallopeni. In the first part, the program was introduced and aspects of migration, trends and implications in mental…

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Training with Parents

IREDS Institute, in the continuation of the activities, in cooperation with Kopshti UNIK, realized with Prof. Olaf Dunse, a discussion table with parents. In the first part of the table, we discussed the right ways of communicating with children and how we “read” our children. Then, special focus was also given to early childhood and…

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