The IREDS INSTITUTE within the project “Strengthening the provision of social services for the most vulnerable groups in Kosovo in response to Covid-19”, is facilitating the establishment of a program/Protocol for mutual assistance of PSCs and NGO providers of social services to provide social services together, for the most vulnerable groups in Kosovo, namely the developed protocol will enable the PSCs and NGOs, the referral of cases for services, the provision of joint services and the follow-up of cases that benefit from one side. Through this project, IREDS will support the cooperation between at least 46 Non-Governmental Organizations and the Center for Social Work throughout Kosovo.
The IREDS Institute, with the relevant actors, has also completed the second cycle of the project, organizing the eight workshops of the second round, for each Region of Kosovo, in order to discuss the pre-final draft and receive feedback from the relevant actors.
The project is supported by Save the Children Kosovo, financed by the Office of the European Union in Kosovo.